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Documentation is important

Human memory sucks.

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Getting Started

Human memory sucks. Chances are there’s been times you’ve gone back and looked at stuff you did a few hours or days before, let alone years, and asked yourself what you were thinking or why you did certain things. Let’s fix that!

Not only do I love to self-host, but I also love being able to remember all of the fixes and random tweaks that I had to do to deploy any service. If you’re like me, you’re constantly testing new apps or services. Having a central location to store tips, tricks, and general processes of past installs should be well documented.

Hence - this wiki!

This aims to provide a repository for all of my services that hopefully will be of use to myself and those reading as well.

General Information

Okay, so if I love self-hosting so much, why is this on GitHub? No self-hosted wikis like Bookstack, DokuWiki, or Wiki.js? Simple, accessibility.

If my server decides to explode or the neighborhood internet goes down, I can’t access my documentation when I need it the most. Yes, having multiple backups are important. Yes, I could use a VPS for improved uptime. But being able to access this information without jumping through additional hoops is a win for me. This also forces me to improve my own documentation and writing rather than saving a bunch of random commands with one line explanations of what they do! Extra points for being able to style with Jekyll and GitHub Pages!

So, without further ado, here’s my current stack:


